- Digital Storytelling
- Discussion or Talk
- 16 Sep 6:00 pm
Celebrating our Journeys, Embracing our Futures with Extern Positive Learnings – John’s Story

Extern Positive Learning participants shared their journey through the Extern positive learning, a shared learning space which engages Service users in Good Relations dialogue through there time here.
This is John’s story.

Derry City & Strabane
Extern Positive Learning

Organiser Bio: The project, Extern Positive Learning, works with people who often find themselves on the margins of society including; people who are disadvantaged due to offending history, homelessness, long-term unemployment, or who are refugees. It aims to improve relations and enable participants to reintegrate into society.
Contact Name: John Devine
Contact Number: 028 7147 7980
Contact Email: [email protected]
Address: Unit 14, Springtown Industrial Estate Springtown Road Derry~Londonderry BT48 0LY
Website: Visit Website