- Digital Storytelling
- Exhibition
- 16 Sep 11:00 am
Creative Centenaries Comic Book Showcase

The Nerve Centre’s Creative Centenaries project has developed a suite of graphic novels focused on real-life characters from Ireland’s Decade of Centenaries. This event showcased these resources and how they can be downloaded and used for free.
The graphic novels were developed with our shared history in mind, highlighting prominent figures and events important to both nationalist and unionist communities on this island. From Constance Markiewicz to Lady Londonderry, the Battle of Messines to the Easter Rising; the history of the turbulent decade leading up to the creation of Northern Ireland and the Free State is covered in insightful detail. These resources aim to complement the curriculum, as well as to supplement it.
Developed as part of “Making the Future” – a major culture programme funded by PEACE IV and managed by SEUPB, this event was part of the ‘Creative Centenaries’ strand of the programme and delivered by Nerve Centre.

Derry City & Strabane
Making the Future

Organiser Bio:
Making the Future is a regional programme being delivered by the Nerve Centre, National Museums NI, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and Linen Hall Library, and is supported through €1.82m of EU funding under the PEACE IV programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.
Contact Name: Niall Kerr
Contact Number: 028 7126 0562
Contact Email: [email protected]
Address: 7-8 Magazine Street Derry~Londonderry BT48 6HJ
Website: Visit Website