- Education Resource
- Arts and Culture
- 23 Sep 7:30 pm
Pop up Gaeltacht
This event provides an opportunity to invite people who might not traditionally use our buildings to come and engage in an event that is specifically targeted to meet their learning needs.
The Droichead Project works with a diversity of communities where learning Irish is not always viewed as traditional, including broadly Unionist communities.
It is an opportunity for young Irish speakers to meet participants from our outreach classes. Senior members of Club Óige are the perfect Irish Language advocates to engage with our outreach participants. The event will be an opportunity to broaden their knowledge of the Irish Language community locally, find out about the young people and speak Irish with them.
This will help them feel more included in the Irish Language community locally and increase their confidence to engage with it. This event will celebrate the linguistic heritage of the area and highlights the shared heritage of the Irish Language.
For more info, please contact catherine@culturlann.org / 02871 264132
For further information on this event, please contact the event organiser.
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 028 7126 4132
Derry City & Strabane
An Gaeláras Ltd
Organiser Bio: Culturlann Uí Chanain is home to a number of exciting creative Irish language and cultural initiatives that bring life and activity to the centre day and night. Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin is an award-winning Irish language, arts and cultural centre in Derry City.
Contact Number: 028 7126 4132
Contact Email: [email protected]
Address: 37 Mórshráid Shéamais Doire Co Derry BT48 7DF United Kingdom