Teanga an Phobail/ Language of the community/people – Liam Ó Corraí

Glór Dhal Riada is the local Irish Language and Culture development group that was established within the Ballymena and Glenravel Area in 2008. The group’s name is appropriate to the Mid and East Antrim area as it is derived from the ancient Gaelic overkingdom of Dal Riada that included north east Ulster and a sizable portion of western Scotland and its Islands. Dal Riada was founded by Gaelic Irish migrants who brought their Language, and writings with them. Ths song performance is from Liam Ó Corraí .

Mid & East Antrim
Mid & East Antrim Borough Council

Organiser Bio: Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is a local authority in Northern Ireland.
Contact Name: Fiona Surgenor
Contact Number: 028 9335 8265
Contact Email: [email protected]
Address: Mid and East Antrim Borough Council 1-29 Bridge Street Ballymena BT43 5EJ
Website: Visit Website