- Discussion or Talk
- 21 Sep 1:00 pm
The St Comgall’s story: from dereliction to transformation

Gerry McConville from Falls Community Council in conversation with William Mitchell from the ACT Initiative.
The event will explore the lessons learned from the long journey of the transformation of St Comgall’s which began with Eileen Howell’s vision over twenty years ago. This is a story of how the derelict school building in Divis Street was transformed into a site of community excellence, acting as a gateway to the city centre and West Belfast and opening up new possibilities for the area. The speakers will discuss the current challenges facing good relations work, against the background of the present testing climate for the sector.
Followed by refreshments and tour for those interested.
St Comgall's, Divis St, Belfast BT12 4AQEVENT SOCIAL MEDIA

Belfast City Council
Falls Community Council
Contact Name: Claire Hackett
Contact Number: 02890202030
Contact Email: [email protected]
Address: St Comgall's, Divis Street, Belfast BT12 4AQ
Website: Visit Website