Transformative Belfast PEACEPLUS projects unveiled

Sixteen Belfast projects with the potential to bring communities together will share £15.1million of funding through the PEACEPLUS programme, administered by the Special EU Programmes Body.

Further details of schemes included in Belfast City Council’s PEACEPLUS Local Action Plan were unveiled  at City Hall.

Over the next three years, 16 initiatives engaging over 17,000 residents will be delivered, with everyone across the city encouraged to get involved. Key projects include:

  • Youth project which aims to educate young people on the importance of peace, conflict resolution and understanding difference;
  • Multiculturalism to Interculturalism – culture and heritage project which will explore history and heritage, as well as the sharing and promotion of positive cultural heritage and identity; and
  • Community empowerment project that will build the capacity of local communities across the city, strengthening community participation to help shape the future of their local area.

Six projects will focus on the theme of thriving and peaceful communities, with activity centred on young people, capacity building, health and wellbeing, sports and arts and employability.

A further five projects are aimed at celebrating cultures and diversity, with initiatives examining culture and heritage, community connections for minority communities, interfaith and belief, community engagement for LGBTQIA+ communities and empowerment for ex-politically motivated prisoners.

The regeneration and transformation of five local areas across the city will be achieved through capital works and activity projects at Distillery Street, Annadale Open Space, The Sanctuary Theatre, Access to the Hills and an LGBTQIA+ Hub at 2 Royal Avenue.

The PEACEPLUS projects provide the opportunity to create a brighter, inclusive, future for all, aligning with the theme for Good Relations Week.


Belfast City Hall


Belfast City Council

Northern Ireland Youth Assembly

Contact Name: Lucy McClelland

Contact Number: 07773096735

Contact Email: [email protected]

Address: Room 26 Parliament Buildings Stormont, Belfast, Down BT4 3XX,

Website: Visit Website