Ecos parkrun, Ballymena

What is Ecos parkrun, Ballymena?

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you!

When is it?

Every Saturday at 9:30am.

Where is it?

The event takes place at Ecos Park, Kernohan’s Lane, Broughshane Road, Ballymena, BT43 7QA. See Course page for more details.


Calling all primary and post-primary school pupils! Kick-start the new school year with the Community Relations Council.

Good Relations Week 2023 is delivering the positive message of ‘working together to deliver change’ and we want YOU to get involved!

Design a poster that focuses on the theme for Good Relations Week 2023 – Together – and be in with the chance to win some cool prizes.

Get creative, use words, drawings, photographs or a combination of all three to create an awesome A4 poster that showcases how your school is embracing this year’s theme ‘Together’.

Entries can be submitted individually, in groups, or as a classroom project!

Don’t forget to use this year’s theme ‘Together’.

Submit entries via email: or post: c/o Good Relations Week 2023 Primary School Design Competition, Anderson House, Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 2GU.

Deadline for submissions is: 3pm on Friday 20th October 2023.

Suteminis and Sutemos Sessions – DU Dance

DU Dance’s Suteminis and Sutemos are returning on Wednesday 20th September. As this is Good Relations Week they will take time getting to know each other and explore the positive message from Good Relations Week that ‘Together’ we can make a difference to break down barriers and build more inclusive communities. 

Newcastle Participatory Budget Event – FUNDcastle

This is an opportunity for local groups to recieve £1,000 for a community project. People from the commuinty will place their votes and the projects with the most votes get funded.

Applications open on the 18th September 2023 and close on the 16th October 2023.

There will be an information night on Wednesday 27th September from 4pm – 6pm.

Email: to get your application form to apply.

Radius Housing are bringing 9 schools from Ballymena and Coleraine to the Jungle NI for Good Relations Week 2023. This follows being crowned winners of the Community Relations Council’s Youth Award for Good Relations Work and the Chartered Institue of Housing Northern Ireland, All Ireland Award for promoting shared commuinties.

Performance with Shania Twain

Cara, one of Beyond Skin’s (an intersectional arts collective, building peace & social cohesion in Northern Ireland and beyond) young musicians and #youth4peace ambassador who made the headlines for Good Relations Week 2021, this year will be performing with Shania Twain during Good Relations Week 2023. 


Poster Designing – RCITY Belfast

RCITY Belfast are designing a poster with their year 2 team to celebrate Good Relations Week 2023.

The group are getting creative and designing a poster showcasing their version of a city they would want to live in and is includive for all.

First Steps

RCITY Belfast are hosting a session to explore what good relations is and discuss their own views on this. The team will then get creative and design a flag about elements that make them who they are from each community.





Good Relations Week Breakfast Event

RCITY Belfast have organised for Youth workers across North Belfast to come ‘Together’ for a breakfast event to celebrate Good Relations Week 2023.

During this the youth workers will share the amazing work that’s going on that’s impacting postiviely on community relations and the lives of young people.

Walking Football Tournament

Teams from across Northern Ireland have gathered in Newtownards for a Walking Football tournament aimed at increasing physical fitness and improving mental wellbeing. Now in its second year, the tournament organised by Glen Men’s Walking Football has benefitted from a Community Involvement Grant worth £3,042.98 from the Housing Executive.

For more information visit: The Housing Executive – News (