WheelWorks Arts – Volunteer Creative Influencer Podcast Launch
To celebrate Good Relations Week 2024, the team of Creative Influencers at Wheelworks Arts are launching the first of their podcasts on Wednesday 18th of September at 2pm.
2:30 pm
MEtime in Nature Virtual Mandala
The MEtime in Nature Virtual Mandala installation seeks to facilitate a greater awareness of self and the natural environment with the aim of evoking an urgent responsibility to take mindful care of ourselves, and our planet. It was created by Juanita Rea, Visiting Scholar at the School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen's University Belfast (QUB) and Arts Council Northern Ireland, Minority Ethnic Mentorship and Residency Awardee.
Inspired to Act Podcast
In the first episode of a brand new Podcast series of Inspired to Act, Thrive Ireland's Director Diane Holt, and co-presenter Will Leitch welcome back David Porter. His career has spanned working for missionary societies, helping set up ECONI (Evangelical Contribution on Northern Ireland), and working for some years as Chief of Staff for the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.